Stone (Jack Jensen)
Gibbs (Tom B.)
Buddy and Family (Narbe Yessaie)
Moe (Jerome Humery)
Mya (Mark Jones)
Zeke (Ross Vander Klok)
Baby Bubba (Shawn Abbot)
Bassett Hound (Glenn Patrizio)
Taz (HomeSafe Security)
Max (Ben Doerr)
Zero (Adam Collier)
Lulu (Brandon Krebs)
Arlen (Randy Makowski)
Friends of Austin Rich
Benji (Patrick Kelly)
Champ and Destiny (Kevin Bennett)
Friend of Christopher Freeman
Friend of Danny Miller
Dewey (Ben Hedges)
Friend of Eduardo Ortega
Friends of GM
Friend of Greg Manning
Sonny (Heritage Security)
Friend of James Moran
Mitzi (Robert Ang)
Match (Brian Elias)
Sasha (Bobby Dick)
Friend of Randy Stone
RIP Abby (left), King Jäger
(Lawrence Benjamin)
Friends of Ron Lepine
Savannah Jane (Denise Adams)
Friend of Scott Dayne
Selah (Tony Darland)
Shelby (Jaime Clemente)
Flora (Christian Menendez)
Friend of Terry MacKay
Sadie and Tyson (A. Bernie Veitch)
Zeke (Duane Wilde)
Penny (Keith McMichael)
Lager and Bucca (James Koch)
Friend of Rusty Deeble
Friend of Kurt Cornelis
Friends of Paul Crouch
Dusty, Daisy and Groucho (Matt Ion)
Friend of Derek Wirsing
Levi (Majid Sadeghi)
Mango (Joshua Herron)
Friends of Nicholas Fonda
Sooner (Ernie Quintana)
Molly (Philip and Gail Scott)
Purl (Tim Telles)
Maggie May (Benjamin Scott)
Hubble (Giovanni L.)
Friend of James
Chance and Romeo (John Harvey)
Diamond (Leon Richardson)
Friend of Frank Zyskowski
Grandpuppy (Frank Zyskowski)
Jeff (Matt Lingle)
Kudo (Rich Rosley)
Lilly (Ron Cormier)
Friend of Marc Jaro
Peppa (Timothy Crowley)
Porto (Robert Boucher)
Rosie (Troy Backus)
Roxy Plunkett (Chris Plunkett)
Summer (Axel James Brown)
Friend of Tim Kingstrom
Friend of Brett Selivonchik
Stella and Jack (Becky Habben)
Friends of Lucius Johnson
Ginger (Tim Vaughn)
Bella (Tom Como)
Kody (Danny Miller)
Kole (Danny Miller)
(Elizabeth Elias Romero and
Frank Hinojosa)
Laney, Lucy, Leo
(Laura and Jason West )
Tobyn Blue Bergmann
(Rebecca Bergmann)
Murphy (Karen Cheek)
Friends of Joseph A. Vega
Friend of Joseph A. Vega
Friend of Mike Lahey
Friend of Steve Delgado
Phoebe (Gregg Ackerman)
Munzi (Janie Kim)
Chaos and Mayhem
(Adam Collier)
Lilly (Bart Haggerty)